Category Archives: General Gardening

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Farewell to website!

Since I stepped down as Chair this website hasn’t received many updates, and so the decision has been taken to decommission the website. This will save the Association a small amount of money and will relieve the burden on anyone … Continue reading

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Gardening Club pilot scheme

We are interested in trialling a Gardening Club at the allotments for people who are either new to having an allotment, or don’t have one at all. The club will meet every Saturday from the 4th June until the 15th … Continue reading

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More damage to polytunnels by uninvited trespassers – please check your plots asap

It seems like we have been visited once again by the little bored darlings who have caused damage around the allotments. I urge EVERYONE to visit their plot, particularly if you have a polytunnel as some have been slashed. Randomly, … Continue reading

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Free construction materials!

A construction company has offered our members free waste construction materials including timber of various lengths (often complete pallets and single lengths) and large thick card tubes which have been suggested to be used as planters in gardens. All material would be … Continue reading

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Cow manure available

We have had a delivery of cow manure to the top West Gate (next to the hut – large load) and to the top East Gate (small load) for members to use. The price is 50p per barrow load (a … Continue reading

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Manure, Potatoes and Woodchip available

Manure – 50p per barrow We have received a quantity of fresh horse manure with straw (barley, I believe) which members can purchase by the barrowload. Please be sensible in how much is heaped in barrows; I’ve seen deposits of … Continue reading

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NSALG Newsletter and survey 2020

Many of you know already that part of your annual rent covers a subscription to the National Society of Allotment and Leisure Gardeners (NSALG) which includes a host of benefits to our members. The society have issued their latest newsletter, … Continue reading

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Slugs. Good or bad?

If you’ve ever found a slug and immediately wanted to get rid of it, maybe you haven’t considered its benefit to the allotment. The John Innes Centre has pulled together a handy gide on the different types of slugs we’re … Continue reading

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Onion White Rot, the cure?

Probably a slightly misleading title, but a good way to get attention. We all know that white rot is a major fungal disease of the onion family, and most of us on NHA have first-hand experience of infected crops. I’ve … Continue reading

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Can you help with research into Leaf Miners?

Postgraduate researcher, Siobhan Hillman at the University of East Anglia is working with the British Beet Research Organisation on leaf mining pests of sugar beet. She is looking for people to send in samples of any leaf miner from their … Continue reading

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