On this page you will find the details of the current committee for the 2021-2022 period.
Committee members are volunteers and give their time freely. Our Annual General Meeting is usually held in September of each year, at which time new committee members are elected, or existing members continue with their tenure with a two thirds majority. All committee members are trustees and as such have a duty to ensure the efficient administration of the association and do so on an entirely voluntary basis.
Meetings are open to the public, are held once monthly and the following standing items are discussed:
- Matters arising from the previous minutes (including updates on actions given at the previous meeting)
- Financial Update
- Plot inspections & waiting list
- Any other business that needs to be discussed.
Any member of the association or the public is encouraged to raise any matters for discussion at the next meeting. To do this, either contact your nearest committee member and discuss your concerns in person, or alternatively the committee can be contacted by email using enquiries@newtonhallallotments.co.uk. Please remember to add your name and a contact number if you would like us to respond to your email, and please note that it may take a day or two to receive a reply.
Su Stinchcombe
Su was elected as Chair at the 2017 AGM.
She is particularly interested in growing vegetables, beekeeping, chicken keeping and crafts and holds down a full time job in addition to her work on the Committee.
In addition to holding the post of Chairperson, Su is one of the associations Safeguarding contacts and manages the website and email accounts.
Typically, the role of Chairperson’s role is
- to ensure the smooth running of the site
- to chair the monthly committee meetings
- to approve the meeting agenda and minutes
- to give the casting vote at ballots in case of a tie
Vice Chairperson
Position Vacant
The role of the Vice Chair is to stand in for the Chair as needed, and mirrors the role of the Chair as set out above
Position Vacant
The Secretary is probably the most important person on the committee! They are responsible for taking minutes at meetings and ensuring these are circulated in time for the next meeting, for arranging the next meeting (contacting the members to ask for availability and pulling this together) and generally for keeping the Chair up to date.
John Clark
The Treasurer is the money person! John keeps a tight reign on spending, and reports on the bank balance and outgoings at each committee meeting.
Committee members
All committee members play an important role in ensuring the Association is run in the best possible interests of all members. The Committee can be contacted by email at committee@newtonhallallotments.co.uk.
Kevin Guy
Liz Clarke
Marie Crackett
Tom Simpson
Keith Forster
Kelly Brown
Neil Kirkpatrick